Wisconsin Language Roadmap Initiative Forms Working Groups

Following the January 26, 2018 Wisconsin Language Summit, four working groups of Wisconsin leaders from different sectors are working to draft priority recommendations for the Wisconsin Language Roadmap in the following key areas:

  • Sustainable Language Program Development, Access and Accountability
  • Student Success and Equity
  • Language Educator Recruitment, Preparation, Retention, and Effectiveness
  • Collaborative Leadership, Engagement, and Advocacy for Language Education

To enhance the economic competitiveness and vitality of the State of Wisconsin, the Wisconsin Language Roadmap Initiative strives to ensure that Wisconsin’s future citizens are able to effectively engage and compete in increasingly interconnected global markets, serve diverse local communities, and participate in professional and personal networks that cross linguistic, cultural, and national boundaries.

To achieve this vision of a world-ready Wisconsin, the long-term goal of the initiative is for all Wisconsin students to graduate workforce- and community-ready with advanced global and intercultural competencies and proficiency in one or more languages in addition to English.

The recommendations from the recently formed working groups will be available for broad public input and comment in June 2018. Information about how you can participate in this review will be posted on the project website in the coming weeks.

The prioritized recommendations will form the basis of the Wisconsin Language Roadmap, a document that will identify action steps to address Wisconsin’s workforce and community language needs. The Wisconsin Language Roadmap will be published in Fall 2018.