Undergraduate Certificate in REECAS
The Undergraduate Certificate in Russian, East European, and Central Asian Studies (REECAS) allows students to gain knowledge of the societies and cultures of the region, drawing on many disciplines, including film studies, geography, history, literature, political science, sociology, theater, and drama. The REECAS certificate can be a valuable addition to any major and demonstrates sustained interest and expertise in the region. Although at least two years of language study is strongly advised, there is no language requirement and language courses do not count towards the REECAS certificate. Link to official listing in the Undergraduate Guide can be found here.
*Please note: the Department of German, Nordic, and Slavic+ offers majors in Polish and Russian, as well as an undergraduate certificate in Slavic Studies..
Fulfill the requirements for a B.S. or B.A. degree in an established major in a school or college of the university.
Maintain a minimum GPA of 2.5 in all courses taken for the certificate.
Successfully complete 7 REECAS-related courses* (21 credits) as follows:
One interdisciplinary survey course (Group I). Please note that Group I courses are typically only offered in the spring.
At least one course in history and the social sciences (Group II).
At least one course in literature and the arts (Group III).
Additional electives as required in Group II or III to reach 21 total credits.
Meet with the certificate advisor in 301 Ingraham Hall to declare the certificate.
Students are encouraged to consult with the certificate advisor and declare the certificate early on in their college careers in order to select an academically focused group of courses.
* For courses to count towards the REECAS certificate, at least 25% of the content must be related to the regions of Eastern and Central Europe, Russia, Eurasia, and/or Central Asia. For pre-approved courses, check out the undergraduate course list to the right.
If you have questions about any of these requirements, or whether a course may count toward the REECAS certificate, contact Sara Lomasz Flesch at lomaszflesch@wisc.edu.
How to Declare
To declare the certificate, please schedule an appointment with REECAS certificate advisor Csanád Siklós through the Starfish scheduling system or email siklos@wisc.edu.