Many of the talks from the spring 2021 virtual lecture series are now available online. Miss a lecture? Want to rewatch a favorite lecture? The series includes:
(2/11) Maria Snegoyava, Guns to Butter: Economic Perceptions and Policy Preferences in Russia
(2/18) Don Pienkos, Since 1989 — Poland’s Democratic Experience,
(2/25) Caroline Savage, Promoting US Policy in Eurasia — A Practitioner’s View
(3/4) Janet Elise Johnson, Katalin Fábián, and Mara Lazda; The Gendered Ambiguity of the Postcommunist Transitions
(3/11) Kathryn Graber, Mixed Messages: Mediating Native Belonging in Asian Russia
(3/18) Brian Taylor, Putinism and Its Discontents
(3/25) Anita Kurimay, Queer Budapest: Sex, Society and the Illiberal State, Past and Present
(4/8) Sean Roberts, China and the Uyghurs: Cultural Genocide in the Name of Counterterrorism
(4/15) Sibelan Forrester, Calling the Future: What Names in Russian and East European Science Fiction Reveal
(4/22) Erica Marat, Technological Solutions for Complex Problems: Emerging Electronic Surveillance Regimes in Eurasian Cities
(4/29) Caress Schenk, Eurasian Responses to the COVID-19 Crisis: Between Fact and Fear
Prefer an audio-only experience? These lectures, and others, are also available on the CREECA podcast.