Thinking about Borders and Across Borders: Global Europe in the Twentieth Century

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Pyle Center, Room 313
@ 9:30 am - @ 5:30 pm

For a more detailed overview: Thinking About and Across Borders Program

Co-sponsored by European Studies, the Center for German and European Studies, and the Department of History.

This conference will place questions of twentieth-century border-making and border-crossing in Europe in a global perspective by bringing together four scholars from UW-Madison along with eight outside experts who have taken transnational approaches to issues of sovereignty, citizenship, ethnography, religion, economics, politics, human rights, and decolonization. A key aim of the conference is to open up a conversation about methodological questions that span our individual case studies: On what scales might we study the ways in which people, goods, ideas, and diseases (amongst other things) have traversed borders? Whose stories are we telling–and what historical sources can be most fruitful for telling them? And what methodological challenges are presented by our endeavors?

Panel 1: Soviet Borders and Socialist Internationalism
Fri. Nov. 3, 9:30-11:30 a.m.
Francine Hirsch, UW-Madison
Lisa Kirschenbaum, West Chester University
Erik Scott, University of Kansas

Panel 2: Law, Territory, and Sovereignty
Fri. Nov. 3, 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Kathryn Ciancia, UW-Madison
Minayo Nasiali, University of California-Los Angeles
David Petruccelli, Dartmouth College

Panel 3: Human Rights and Illiberal Internationalisms
Sat. Nov. 4, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Brandon Bloch, UW-Madison
Umut Özsu, Carleton University
Ned Richardson-Little, University of Erfurt

Panel 4: Decolonization and the Remaking of “Europe”
Sat. Nov. 4, 1:00-3:00 p.m.
Giuliana Chamedes, UW-Madison
Christoph Kalter, University of Agder
Tehila Sasson, Emory University

This event will include lunches and a reception, please use this google form to RSVP to the lunches or reception. The deadline to RSVP for the lunches and reception is Oct. 25, 2023.