This is the second installment in a six-part virtual event series that examines body matters within Eurasia through a variety of disciplines and themes. The body-as-method has emerged recently to provide novel insights on society, culture, and identity by foregrounding alternatives to Western traditions that marginalized the corporeal dimensions of social and personal existence.
The moderator and speakers for this event are:
- Moderator: Maria Cristina Galmarini, William & Mary
- Speakers:
- Katharina Wiedlack, University of Vienna
- Gala Kornienko, The Ohio State University
To register, click here.
For Accommodations:
Captioning will be provided during this session and a recording will be made available on CSEEES at Ohio State’s YouTube channel within a few days after this session takes place. If you have any questions about accessibility or wish to request additional accommodations, please contact CSEEES at Typically, a two weeks’ notice will allow us to provide access, but we will try to accommodate requests that come in after the two week mark.
For more information on the virtual series, click here.