CREECA Graduate Course List
Fall 2016 (Term 1172)
Courses marked with * must contain 25% or more content area in REECAS to count towards the M.A. program or graduate certificate; please check with the professor to verify REECAS content of the course before enrolling and then get final approval from the REECAS advisor.
Art History
310 Early Christian & Byzantine Art (Dale, TR 11:00-12:15)
Communication Arts
352 Film History to 1960 (Kepley, TR 1:00-2:15, Lab T 3:00-5:00)
340 World Regions in Global Context (Olds; on-line course)*
918 Seminar: Political Geography (Kaiser, M 4:00-6:30)
357 The Second World War (TBA, MW 2:30-3:45)
418 History of Russia (McDonald, MW 2:30-3:45)
518 Anti-Semitism in European Culture (Bitzan, R 8:50-10:45)
Jewish Studies
430 Testimonies and Cultural Expression of the Holocaust (Brenner, MWF 9:55-10:45)
Language and Cultures of Asia
314 Literatures of Central Asia (Schamiloglu, MW 2:30-3:45)
818 Comparative Law (TBD)*
942 European Union Law (TBA, MW 9:00-12:20)
Literature in Translation
329 The Vampire in Literature and Film (Longinovic, TR 11:00-12:15)
423 In Translation: Slavic Drama in Context (Van De Water, MTWF 6:00-9:00)
Political Science
338 The European Union: Politics and Political Economy (Ringe, TR 4:00-5:15)
633 Russian Politics (Hendley, TR 11:00-12:15)
814 Social Identities: Definitions and Measurement (Herrera, R 1:20-3:15)
Slavic Literature
424 Tolstoy (Danaher, MWF 9:55-10:45)
433 History of Russian Culture (Lapina, MWF 12:05-12:55) Taught in Russian
440 Soviet Literature (Shevelenko, MWF 12:05-12:55)
454 Moderna srpska i hrvatska literatura (Longinovic, TR 1:00-2:15) Readings in Serbo-Croatian
560 Capstone Seminar in Russian Literature and Culture (Bethea, MW 1:00-2:15)
707 Foundations in Russian Realism (Dolinin, W 2:30-5:00)
800 Proseminar: Slavic Literature and Culture (Shevelenko, R 1:00-2:15)
900 Seminar: Slavic Literature and Culture (Nationalism and Aesthetic Experiment: Shevelenko, M 2:30-5:00; Realism: Dolinin, F 2:30-5:00)
Language Courses
Languages and Cultures of Asia
331 First Semester Kazakh (TBD, MTWR 8:50-9:40)
339 First Semester Turkish (TBD, MTWR 8:50-9:40)
363 First Semester Persian (TBD, MTWR 8:50-9:40)
431 Third Semester Kazakh (TBD, MTWR 11:00-11:50)
439 Third Semester Turkish (Erbil, MTWR 12:05-12:55)
463 Third Semester Persian (Mirsharifi, MTWR 11:00-11:50)
531 Fifth Semester Kazakh (TBD, TR 3:30-4:45)
539 Fifth Semester Turkish and Azeri (Derin, TR 11:00-12:15)
563 Fifth Semester Persian (Farsiu, TR 4:15-5:30)
Slavic Languages
101 First Semester Russian (TBD, MTWRF 9:55-10:45, 11:00-11:50, 12:05-12:55, 1:20-2:10)
111 First Semester Polish (Miernowska, MTWF 1:20-2:10)
141 First Semester Serbo-Croatian (Simic, MWF 9:55-10:45) [Meets with Slavic 341]
181 Russian Honors Tutorial for Slavic 101 (Tumarkin, T 2:25-3:15)
203 Third Semester Russian (TBD, MTWRF 9:55-10:45, 11:00-11:50, 1:20-2:10)
275 Third Year Russian I (Walter, MWF 9:55-10:45; Tishler MWF 1:20-2:10)
277 Third Year Polish I (Miernowska, MW 9:55-10:45) [Meets with Slavic 278, 331, 332}
278 Third Year Polish II (Miernowska, MW 9:55-10:45) [Meets with Slavic 277, 331, 332]
315 Russian Language and Culture I (Tumarkin, TR 1:20-2:10)
321 Fourth Year Russian I (Lapina, MWF 1:20-2:10)
331 Fourth Year Polish I (Miernowska, MW 9:55-10:45) [Meets with Slavic 277, 278, 332]
332 Fourth Year Polish II (Miernowska, MW 9:55-10:45) [Meets with Slavic 277, 278, 331]
341 First Semester Intensive Serbo-Croatian (Simic, MWF 9:55-10:45) [Meets with Slavic 141]