Title VIII Senior Scholarships at the Kennan Institute – Washington, D.C.

The Kennan Institute has launched a new Title VIII grant for senior scholars, intended for assistant, associate, and adjunct faculty with at least 5 years’ experience.

Title VIII Senior Scholarships lasting up to six months are available to academic participants in the early stages of their career—i.e. assistant, associate, and adjunct faculty with at least 5 years’ experience. Scholars who have not yet received tenure are eligible to receive this grant. Awarded applicants will spend a semester in Washington, D.C. to conduct original research on new projects that advance the Title VIII mission. Policy relevant research proposals examining Russia, Ukraine, and the countries of Eurasia are eligible. Awards are limited to scholars who are U.S. citizens.

The Title VIII Senior Scholar grant offers a stipend of $3,500 per month, research facilities, computer support, and some research assistance. Grant recipients are required to be in residence at the Institute in Washington, D.C. for the duration of their grant. The Title VIII Senior Scholar Program is supported by the Program for Research and Training on Eastern Europe and the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union (Title VIII) of the United States Department of State.

One round of competitive Title VIII Senior Scholar selection is held per year. The deadline for receipt of applications and supporting materials is January 31, 2023. Application materials may be submitted by email. Find application materials here. Applicants will be notified of decisions in early March; awardees are able to commence their appointments as early as July of that year.