TA search for INTL ST 266

Seeking a TA for a 50% position, teaching discussion sections of International Studies 266: Introduction to the Middle East. The instructor of record is Samuel England (Assoc. Prof. of Arabic) who will teach the courses’ lecture portion and collaborate with the TA throughout the semester.

Academic experience in Mideast Studies is not a requirement—a commitment to teaching international topics is the main criterion. We wish to hire a skilled teacher who leads active, academically rigorous discussions and who will provide meaningful feedback on assignments. The syllabus features personal stories (e.g., Queen Puabi, Edward Said, Nazik al-Malaika) in order to illustrate larger historical phenomena. A successful TA will be someone who sees the potential in individual narratives to accentuate themes and topics of Area Studies.

If interested, please contact me at samuel.england@wisc.edu with a brief note and your CV. Please include any relevant teaching experience and, if you’ve taught at UW, the courses and a reference to the supervising instructor. I’ll write back to all applicants and schedule video calls with people who seem like good matches for the course. ”