Russian and Kazakh-Speaking Volunteers Needed for Open World Delegation in Madison, WI

Do you live in or near Madison, Wisconsin? Are you fluent in Russian or Kazakh? A Kazakhstani delegation of five medical professionals from the Open World Program will be visiting Madison from October 28 to November 4 to learn about Emergency Management and Disaster Planning. The delegation is seeking individuals with advanced-to-fluent proficiency in Russian and Kazakh to help interpret for the Kazakhstani visitors on a farmers’ market visit and while exploring the downtown Madison area, during a welcome dinner, and during a farewell dinner. Interested individuals can contact CREECA Outreach Coordinator Sarah Linkert at by Friday, October 14. 

Volunteers who can help interpret for the delegates will be needed for three events; by committing to helping at one or two events, volunteers are not obliged to assist at all events.

  • Beginning at 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, October 29, volunteers will explore the farmer’s market and downtown area with the delegates and their host families.
  • On Sunday, October 30, volunteers will be needed starting at 5:00 p.m. for a welcome dinner for the delegation. Meals will be provided.
  • A farewell dinner for the delegates will take place on Friday, November 4. Volunteers will be needed starting at 5:00 p.m. Meals will be provided.

The Open World Leadership Center administers the Open World program, one of the most effective U.S. exchange programs for countries of the post-Soviet era. The program has enabled more than 29,000 current and future leaders from Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan to meaningfully engage and interact with Members of Congress and thousands of other Americans, many of whom are the delegates’ direct professional counterparts.