The Turkish Language Initiative program (TURFLI), located in Baku, Azerbaijan, assists learners of Turkish in the acquisition of the targeted language and culture. The TURFLI programs consist of intensive, structured language instruction and provides opportunities to work with peer tutors/conversation partners who are native speakers of the target language.
The TURFLI Program Resident Director serves as American Councils’ representative in Baku in the areas of participants’ health, safety, academic performance, and program logistics. The Resident Director must be available to program participants on a daily basis; meet regularly with teachers, administrators, and students; arrange group travel and cultural programs; and observe TURFLI language classes. The Resident Director must be available to participants during any emergencies that arise and must communicate regularly with host institution representatives in Azerbaijan and American Councils staff in Washington, DC.
Qualifications include a Bachelor’s Degree or higher in a relevant field and advanced level or higher Turkish language proficiency. Study, work, or extensive travel experience in Turkey or Azerbaijan is preferred.
Further information and application materials can be found here.