Position Open: AATSEEL Conference Manager

The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages (AATSEEL) is inviting applications for a new Conference Manager to begin shortly after the 2022 Conference in Philadelphia.

This is a contract position, with an annual honorarium of $12,000 (paid in quarterly installments). In terms of work schedule, the CM has numerous, regular duties from August through February associated with planning and running the conference. The workload in the other six months is minimal. The AATSEEL Conference will be alternating between an in-person event and a virtual event, so the CM will be expected to run both types of conferences.

Planning the in-person conference involves traveling to the host city over a year in advance to identify potential venues, soliciting bids to help select an appropriate location, and working with the Executive Director to confirm the budget for the conference. Given the organization’s financial constraints, finding an affordable venue is always challenging.

Preparing the conference involves working with the Program Committee Chair to post the Call for Proposals and planning the schedule of panels and other events. It requires configuring the room allocations, determining the catering and audio-visual needs, and managing our hotel block commitment. It also involves managing participants and their registration, working with exhibitors to facilitate their involvement, and coordinating with organizations who choose to advertise in the program.

Please send letters of interest and a C.V. to Elizabeth Durst, AATSEEL Executive Director, at aatseel@usc.edu. Application reviews will begin on February 1st.