Policy Positions (International School of Economics at TSU)

The International School of Economics at Tbilisi State University (ISET, www.iset.ge) in Tbilisi, Georgia seeks to make one or more appointments at the ISET Policy Institute (www.iset-pi.ge), a leading economic policy think tank in the South Caucasus.

Ideal candidates will have an advanced degree in economics, public policy or another related field from a reputable international university. They shall have a record of minimum 2 to 3 years in policy research and consulting on topics relevant for economic development such as, agriculture, migration, rural development, industrial policy, trade and regional integration, macroeconomic and financial policy, labor markets, education and social inclusion.


• Lead and manage a team of researchers and external consultants;

• Develop project proposals/grant applications;

• Liaise with potential clients and donors, including government;

• Implement applied policy research and consulting projects;

• Provide research-based policy advice, write on policy issues, and participate in public policy discussions.

Fluency in English is required. Knowledge of Georgian and/or Russian languages will be considered an advantage. Positions are subject to available funding and will be open until filled.

For full description or to apply, please visit this site.