Ten Months That Shook the World: Russia’s Revolutions in a Global Perspective

A Workshop for Wisconsin Educators

July 24 – July 28, 2017, Madison Concourse Hotel (1 W Dayton Street, Madison, WI 53703)

Exactly 100 years ago, during the late winter of 1917, bread riots in Petrograd (now Saint Petersburg) set loose a train of events that overthrew a 300-year old dynasty, saw the emergence of a 20th-century superpower, and, along with World War I, left an enduring stamp on Europe and the world for the following century and beyond. This weeklong workshop will introduce K-12 teachers and community college instructors to the causes, consequences, and global impact of these revolutionary months on history, politics, and culture. Participants will hear from national and international presenters on the topic of Russia’s Revolutions and will work with expert facilitators on ways to incorporate workshop information into classroom-ready lesson plans and syllabi.

The workshop will be led by David McDonald, the Alice D. Mortenson/Petrovich Distinguished Chair in Russian History at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Professor McDonald, a specialist on the history of Imperial Russia (1649-1917), has taught at UW-Madison since 1988. He is a frequent guest speaker on Russian history and contemporary Russian politics at universities, schools, community groups, and on radio and television.

Other confirmed speakers include:

  • Francine Hirsch, Professor of History, UW-Madison
  • Steven Marks, Alumni Professor of History, Clemson University
  • Chris Read, Professor in Twentieth-Century European History, University of Warwick
  • John W. Steinberg, Professor of History, Austin Peay State University

Each day, experienced facilitators will work with small groups of K-12 teachers and community college instructors to help them better integrate the workshop content into their specific curriculum.

“Ten Months that Shook the World” should be of interest to educators in a wide range of subjects, such as social studies, history, geography, politics, communication, and language arts. We welcome participation by teachers and community college instructors in other fields, as well as librarians and administrators.



The Center for Russia, East Europe, and Central Asia (CREECA), the Institute for Regional and International Studies (IRIS), and the Alice D. Mortenson/Petrovich Distinguished Chair in Russian History at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Lithograph entitled Beat the Whites with the Red Wedge by El Lissitzky (1919)

Questions? Contact Kelly Iacobazzi at outreach@creeca.wisc.edu or 608-265-6298.