Established in 2019, the Cohen-Tucker Dissertation Completion Fellowships provide a maximum stipend of $25,000 for doctoral students at US and Canadian universities, who are citizens or permanent residents of the US, to complete their dissertation. The program is open to students in any discipline whose dissertation topics are within 19th – early 21st century Russian historical studies.
Dissertation topics must be in 19th – early 21st century Russian historical studies; in cases of equally qualified applications, some preference may be given to research on the Soviet era. The dissertation topic can be in cultural, economic, intellectual, political, or social historical studies. The geographic focus of the dissertation must be predominantly within the current boundaries of the Russian Federation.
The maximum duration of the fellowship twelve (12) months – from August 15 of the fellowship competition year to August 14 of the following year. Fellowship recipient MUST complete the dissertation during the their fellowship tenure. Applicants must be prepared to successfully defend their dissertations within the period of their fellowship tenure. Applicants may not currently hold or have previously held a dissertation completion fellowship. Past Cohen-Tucker Dissertation Research Fellowship recipients can apply for the Completion Fellowship.
Further information and application materials can be found here.