Funded by the National Security Education Program (NSEP), the Russian and Turkish Overseas Flagship Programs are designed to train superior speakers of Russian and Turkish through intensive overseas study and practical, professional experience. The Program Manager oversees the American Councils Capstone Russian Overseas Flagship Program (ROF) located in Almaty, Kazakhstan, and the Capstone Turkish Overseas Flagship Program (TOF) in Baku, Azerbaijan. Both programs provide intensive, yearlong language instruction, internships, cultural activities, host families, and structured opportunities for students to maximize their immersion in the host country culture. TOF students also have the option of living with Turkish roommates in local apartments. The Program Manager also oversees an eight-week Flagship Summer Turkish program that provides similarly intensive language instruction and cultural immersion in Baku.
The Program Manager is responsible for the programs’ daily administration, overall quality, direction, and financial oversight. He/she supervises staff abroad and in the U.S. to recruit, to select, and to support a total of approximately 25 program participants each academic year.
The Program Manager ensures the provision of outstanding student support abroad, oversees academic programming (in consultation with the senior academic advisor for Russian), responds to student concerns, and collaborates with American Councils senior staff, institutional partners, and funders to maximize learning outcomes. The Program Manager reports to the American Councils Director of Flagship Overseas Programs.
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