The UCLA Department of Slavic, East European and Eurasian Languages and Cultures invites applications for an open-rank position (tenure-track or with tenure) in Russian literature, with the hire date of July 1, 2018. We are looking for applicants with Ph.D. in hand at the time of appointment, possessing native or near-native fluency in Russian and English. Our focus is on candidates with a specialization in Russian literature of the Golden Age (roughly the 1790s to the 1840s), coupled with competencies and research interests in areas of interdisciplinary focus within UCLA’s Humanities Division, particularly digital, urban, environmental and medical humanities. Dynamic teaching skills are essential; responsibilities include graduate and undergraduate courses, dissertation supervision, independent studies courses and sharing in departmental administration.
We value candidates whose experience in teaching, research, or community service has prepared them to contribute to our commitment to diversity and excellence. Women and underrepresented minorities are encouraged to apply.
Dossiers should include a cover letter describing research and teaching experience, curriculum vitae and three letters of recommendation; these should be submitted electronically via UCLA’s Academic Recruit site: Preliminary interviews will be conducted at the ASEEES Convention in Chicago, IL, November 9-12, 2017. Applicants wishing to be considered for interviews at the convention should submit their dossiers no later than September 29, 2017, and advise their recommenders to meet this deadline as well. The closing date for all applications is October 11, 2017. Address all inquiries about the application process to Lisa Audish at