Job: English Teaching Opportunity at the American Home in Vladimir, Russia

English Teaching Opportunity at the American Home in Vladimir, Russia

*Application deadline is March 1 each year*
(or until all the open positions have been filled)

The Serendipity American English and Culture Program has been in continuous operation at the American Home in Vladimir, Russia since September 1992 under the auspices of Serendipity: Russian Consulting & Development, Ltd.—now doing business as Serendipity-Russia. Demand for English lessons from native speakers remains very strong. In addition to classes, teachers offer lectures on topics of special interest to Russians.

This is an exceptional opportunity to experience Russia in a uniquely supportive atmosphere and to accomplish something worthwhile in the process. Previous teachers have commented very favorably on the quality of the facilities and teaching materials; the tremendous support provided by their colleagues, including the dedicated Russian staff; and how much they have enjoyed their Russian students. A significant number of teachers have parlayed their experience in Vladimir into employment in Moscow or stateside—or into admission to major graduate programs, including top-ranked law schools.

Contract period: First or second week of August–depending on the start of the fall term in Russia–through the end of June.  (Renewal possible.)

Benefits Include:

  • Stipend
  • Room and board with a Russian family
  • Three hours per week of customized individual Russian lessons taught by trained native speakers
  • Pleasant, well-equipped working environment in a new building
  • Substantial assistance from the very knowledgeable and supportive Russian staff

Teacher Responsibilities:

  • Applicants must have, at a minimum, completed a Bachelor’s degree before the beginning of the contract period, and be able to teach American English.

Those hired are required to:

  • Cover the cost of their airfare to and from Moscow.
  • Apply and pay for the required Russian visa. Serendipity will provide full visa support, including, if needed, assistance with filling out the online visa application, and will pay the visa fee on the Russian side. Teachers are responsible for paying the visa fee and related costs on the American side.
  • Have health insurance coverage valid in Russia, including emergency medical evacuation coverage. Check with AH staff if you need to add medical evacuation coverage. American Home staff will provide all possible assistance with dealing with any medical problems that might arise.
  • Earn a TESOL course certificate. New hires who have not completed at least a forty-hour on-line course, will need to complete an appropriate course by no later than the beginning of July.
  • By the beginning of the contract period, new teachers will need to provide notarized copies of the following:- A certificate of completion of a TESOL course as noted above.
    – An official copy of their college or university transcript – and their diploma, if available before their departure for Vladimir.
    – An Apostille for each of the above notarized documents.
    – A notarized copy of the facing pages of your passport with your photo, signature, and passport number – an Apostille is not required for this document.

Application Deadline: March 1, 2020.

For the application and more information, please see the Serendipity-Russia website.