Calling all UW-Madison Russian-speaking students! Enter the “Где говорят по-русски?” poster contest and create an educational poster in Russian that will inform young (K-12) viewers about a topic related to a Russophone country or culture. Posters should consider the theme and must be appropriate for a youth audience. Submissions can focus on one country or republic or on several and can incorporate information on anything from history to pop-culture. Posters should contain both text and visual elements.
- Posters will be displayed in the break room during the 2023 Wisconsin ACTR Olympiada of Spoken Russian at 11:00-4:00 p.m. on Sunday, April 23, 2023. Poster creators are not required to attend the Olympiada to present their poster, but have the option to do so.
- Olympiada participants will have the opportunity to vote on which poster is their favorite.
- The top three poster creators will be notified and receive prizes. Poster supplies (poster board, glue sticks, etc.) can be provided if needed.
- Competition is open to any UW-Madison student proficient in the Russian language.
To enter, fill out this form by April 1! Posters should be delivered to the CREECA office (210 Ingraham Hall) by April 21, 2023.