Conference Travel Awards for UW-Madison Faculty and Staff
CREECA provides travel grants of up to $500 for University of Wisconsin-Madison faculty and academic staff to attend conferences in order to present their work related to Russian, Eastern and Central European, and/or Central Eurasian studies. Awards of up to $500 are available for domestic or international travel. Please note that all international travel must be approved by the US Department of Education at least 30 days before the trip and must comply with the Fly America Act. Reimbursement can be made only for expenses related to the approved conference and which are allowable under the Wisconsin state guidelines for reimbursement.
To apply, please provide a description of the conference presentation and an outline of how the funds will be spent. Project descriptions may be from one paragraph to one page in length. Applicants should list other forms of support already obtained or requested. All UW-Madison faculty and academic staff—regardless of home department–are eligible to apply for conference travel funds as long as their conference presentation is related to the regions of CREECA. Faculty and staff may not receive more than one award in any given calendar year.
CREECA considers applications on a rolling basis, throughout the year. Requests for funding should be made well in advance of the conference, and at least 45 days before the proposed conference. Applications will be reviewed monthly, on the 15th of each month. (When the 15th falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, applications will be reviewed on the first Monday after the 15th.)
Please send requests for support via e-mail to Be sure to put “CREECA Faculty Conference Travel” in the subject line of your message.