Funding Opportunity for U.S. and Russian NGOs with the Eurasia Foundation

The Eurasia Foundation is seeking applications for its 2019-2020 U.S.-Russia Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Dialogue Program.

A brief description of the program:

“Through this Request for Applications (RFA) and with the support of the U.S. Department of State, EF invites project applications from nonprofit organizations and institutions seeking to expand U.S.-Russian communication and cooperation. EF will fund innovative projects promoting U.S.-Russian collaboration in professional and cultural areas of mutual interest to the United States and Russia, including but not limited to entrepreneurship, social inclusion, public health, community service, volunteerism, science and technology, and the arts.

Applicants may request up to $75,000 per project with the goal to create or expand U.S.-Russian ties. All project’s activities and deliverables should be completed within 12 months. Projects proposing U.S.-Russia partnerships between previously unaffiliated organizations will be given priority consideration.

While universities and other research institutions are eligible to apply to the P2P program, funded projects must expand beyond pure research. Specifically, all P2P projects should include or culminate in concrete deliverable or deliverables, including but not limited to offering newly-developed training sessions, lectures, conferences, video/music productions, art exhibits, performances, etc.

EF will not fund projects that engage in political activism or lobbying, support public policy reform movements, or seek to sway public opinion about policy. Rather, competitive projects will seek out project topics that can lead to productive international partnership and have potential to spark long-term peer-to-peer relationships.”

UW-Madison faculty who are interested in developing a project are encouraged to consult with Elise Ahn in the International Projects Office. The IPO can provide support in working with faculty members in developing the capacity building/systems strengthening part of the proposal.

For complete details including eligibility requirements, project design, the application process and more follow this link to the Eurasia Foundation’s site.

Deadline: February 15, 2019

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