Fulbright US Student Program information session, Wednesday, June 10, 3pm CDT


The IRIS (Institute for Regional and International Studies) Awards Office is hosting another online information session for UW-Madison students and alumni for the Fulbright US Student Program.

Join Grant Stream-Gonzalez (Fulbright-IIE Outreach Officer) and Jenné Nurse (Fulbright Alumni Ambassador, ETA to South Africa) on Wednesday, June 10 at 3pm CDT for an interactive information session on Zoom to learn more about the different types of awards, application components & tips, get your questions answered, and hear from a Fulbright alumna about her Fulbright experience!

Registration is required and now open – follow this link to register today!

Also remember that Fulbright offers webinars open to all throughout the application process. Link to learn more, and to view past sessions (recorded and archived) on the Fulbright website.

Additional details on the UW-Madison campus-side of the process, available resources, and the like are always available here.

Questions? Interested in the session but unable to attend? Contact the UW’s Fulbright Program Advisor, Mark Lilleleht.