The application for the 2022-2023 Fulbright US Student Program (FUSP) competition is ongoing and the IRIS Awards office is offering one last online information and Q&A session for students & alumni to learn more about all that the FUSP award offers!
It will be on Tuesday, July 6, 2021 (6 pm CDT). The info session will be held on Zoom @ – you can join the session online 15 minutes prior to the event.
Can’t make the information sessions but want to learn more? The UW-Madison’s Fulbright Program Advisor, Mark Lilleleht, is available throughout the summer for one-on-one consultations with any current student or alum interested in the program and exploring their options! Send an email to including a couple of different days & times you’re available and preferred means of connecting and we can get an appointment set up! Off-“regular office hour” appointments are just fine as well.
Complete details on the Fulbright US Student Program, campus resources, and more are available on the UW-Madison’s FUSP page @