American Councils for International Education is pleased to announce U.S. Department of Education, Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad (GPA) fellowships for advanced overseas Russian and Persian language study. Fulbright-Hays fellowships are awarded on the basis of financial need and academic merit. Fellowship awards are made in the amount of $7,000 for semester programs and $4,000 for summer programs, and are available on the following programs:
- Advanced Russian Language and Area Studies Program (RLASP) (Moscow, Russia)
Fulbright-Hays GPA funding is available to both undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in RLASP Moscow, which places advanced students of Russian in the country’s economic and political center. During the program, students attend specially-designed classes at Moscow International University (MIU), a private institution founded in the spirit of U.S.-Russian cooperation after the fall of the Soviet Union. - Eurasian Regional Language Program (ERLP) (Dushanbe, Tajikistan)
Fulbright-Hays GPA funding is available to both undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in ERLP Dushanbe. ERLP Dushanbe enables U.S. students to study the Persian language at the advanced level in an authentic immersion environment with experienced, leading faculty, born and education in Iran, Tajikistan, and Afghanistan.
Prospective applicants should check the program website for more information and to access the online application. The spring 2018 application deadline for these programs is October 16, 2017. Please direct any questions regarding the application process to the AC Study Abroad Team (phone: 202-833-7522; email:
About Fulbright-Hays Fellowships
Provided by the U.S. Department of Education and administered by American Councils, Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad fellowships are available to advanced-level Russian and Persian language speakers who plan to participate in the American Councils Advanced Russian Language and Area Studies Program (RLASP-Moscow) or the Eurasian Regional Language Program (ERLP-Dushanbe). Eligible participants must have a strong commitment to teaching one of these critical languages in universities or in K-12 schools, or to applying their language skills in government, international development, or other professional fields. Participants must also be U.S. citizens or permanent residents, who are undergraduate students with upperclassmen standing (juniors or seniors), graduate students, or U.S. K-12 teachers in order to be eligible for Fulbright-Hays funding. At the conclusion of the program abroad, participants who received Fulbright-Hays funding are expected to conduct outreach activities in the U.S. to promote Russian/Persian study to the larger community.