Call for Proposals: Economic Research Mentoring program at China Russia Eurasian Studies Centre

About Economic Research Mentoring program

The purpose of the Economic Research Mentoring Program (ERMP) is to support economic research by advanced PhD students and other junior scholars/researchers working in academic, business, and government institutions in either Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, or Uzbekistan.

ERMP will provide an opportunity for scholars to work with leading international economic experts in refining and developing their research projects and turning their research results into publishable papers and well formulated policy recommendations.

During the grant period, research outputs are peer-reviewed by thematic expert panels, which include members of the CREC Academic Advisory Board (AAB) and other reputable researchers. Research mentorship and capacity building is provided at CREC/AIFC semi-annual research workshops and through consultations with program staff and experts. The final reports will be submitted to reputable international journals and CREC will provide the necessary assistance with submission of manuscripts.

The final output of each project shall be a publishable working paper/article and a policy brief. Those participants who have submitted their work to a reputable journal, the definition of which will depend on area of research, and received at least “revise and resubmit” from the editor within a year after the completion of the project, would receive an additional bonus.

Download the Call for Proposals to learn more about the opportunity and application instructions.