With funding from Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Wisconsin Russia Project at the University of Wisconsin-Madison will host a two-day conference for young scholars in the social sciences with a focus on contemporary Russia. The conference will be held virtually via Zoom on January 28-29.
Abstracts for papers in the following five thematic areas are invited: 1) education, labor markets, and inequality; 2) law and society; 3) political economy; 4) identity, place, and migration; and 5) demographic change.
Preference will be given to graduate students currently enrolled in a Ph.D. or kandidat program or to those within 5 years of completing such studies. Those 8 years beyond the Ph.D. will not be considered. Proposals from scholars based in Russian universities are especially encouraged. Participants whose papers are selected for presentation will be offered a modest honorarium for full participation in the conferences (attendance at all sessions).
The conference will be conducted in English, and all materials must be submitted in English.
To submit a paper proposal to the Wisconsin Russia Project Young Scholars Conference, please use this link. Application deadline: December 15, 2020 at 11:59 pm Central Time.
Completed proposals will consist of the following:
1. Completed online application
2. 300-500 word abstract
3. Writing sample (may be the proposed paper)
4. CV
Submissions will be acknowledged and considered. All applicants will be informed of the status of their proposal by early January.
All accepted and confirmed participants must submit their final papers to the conference organizers by January 21, 2021.