Call for Papers: Framing the Global Conference (Indiana University-Bloomington)

Indiana University invites proposals for panels or individual papers that are empirically grounded while addressing important theoretical and methodological issues in studying the global. Scholars in all academic and professional fields are encouraged to submit proposals. Work that considers both practical and scholarly approaches to global studies, global issues, and globalization is welcome, as are proposals from scholars and educators who are working to create meaningful spaces for global learning.

Global studies emerged in the 1980s as scholars, policymakers, and the general public began to take note of the increasingly transnational flows of people, ideas, and goods that have come to be identified under the rubric of globalization. Interest in global phenomena has since spread to every discipline in the social sciences and humanities, as well as the professional fields. Since 2011, Indiana University’s Framing the Global project has been carving out a vital intellectual space for critical and grounded global studies.

Despite increasing popular and scholarly attention to global issues, no clear consensus has emerged regarding fundamental definitions or empirical methods for studying the global. Scholars in the Framing the Global project, funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, have been collaboratively developing global research frameworks that are characterized by interdisciplinarity, empirical grounding, and a concern with tracing the links between the transnational and the local in a variety of lived, political, discursive, cultural, and social domains. The conference will extend this conversation and explore evolving analytical frameworks for global studies research as well as innovative pedagogies for global learning.

Papers that show promise for being developed into books may be considered for publication in the project’s Framing the Global book series.

Proposal Deadline: May 1, 2018

Visit the conference website for more information and to apply.