Call for Applications: Graduate Methods Training Virtual Workshop – Indiana University, Bloomington

Indiana University is pleased to be accepting applications for its third biannual Graduate Methods Training Workshop, hosted by the Russian Studies Workshop (RSW) at Indiana University’s Russian and East European Institute (REEI) with generous funding from the Carnegie Corporation of New York. This two-day event (Sept 30th, 2022 to Oct 1st, 2022) is geared towards doctoral students working on Russia-related topics within social science disciplines to workshop their planned methodologies, discuss research challenges, and learn interdisciplinary tools from experts in the field. The Graduate Methods Training Workshop aims to prioritize student needs by tailoring sessions towards their research goals, allowing students to negotiate the difficulties faced by contemporary scholars working on Russia. The goal of the workshop is to facilitate learning and dialogue with faculty specialists on qualitative and quantitative methods, including survey methods, datasets and digital methods, media and discourse analysis as well as addressing specific student research concerns. Beyond this, GMTW 2022 provides opportunities to present your own research via lightning-round sessions and practice proposal writing for research funding.

GMTW 2022 will be held virtually, allowing students from all over North America to participate in dialogue with invited experts, meet a community of emerging Russianists, and to develop networking and professional opportunities for scholarly growth. We welcome applications from doctoral students in North America whose work is in the social sciences (including history).

Application requirements include a 2-3 page letter of interest, which should include a description of the proposed research topic and which possible research methods the project would require; a CV; and a recommendation letter from a consulting faculty member. Internal IU applicants do not need to submit a recommendation letter. The deadline for applications is April 20, 2022.  Submit the application online in a single PDF file to Reference letters should be sent directly from the nominated professor to