ASEEES Dissertation Research Grant

The Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies is sponsoring up to 16 grants annually, at a maximum of $6,000 each, for the purposes of conducting doctoral dissertation research in Eastern Europe and Eurasia in any aspect of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian studies in any discipline. 

The applicant must achieve PhD candidacy (ABD status) before the start of the research trip, must possess language proficiency necessary to conduct the proposed research, be a member of ASEEES at the time of application, and plan to begin their research no later than January 31, 2020. These awards may be held concurrently with other partial funding sources, but are not intended to support students whose projects have already been fully supported. The grant may not be held at the same time as the Fulbright Hays DDRA, Cohen-Tucker Dissertation Research Fellowship, or other similarly fully-funded dissertation research fellowships.

Thanks to generous gifts, we are thrilled to be offering several new grants within the framework of the ASEEES Dissertation Research Grant. The Dissertation Research Grant in Women and Gender Studies (open to all disciplines and geographic foci in Eastern Europe and Eurasia); Dissertation Research Grant in LGBTQ Studies (open to all disciplines and geographic foci in Eastern Europe and Eurasia); and the Joseph Bradley and Christine Ruane Dissertation Research Grant (open to all disciplines and any aspect of Russian studies broadly defined). 

For more information and to apply see:
Application Deadline:  April 30