The Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies invites applications for the Stephen F. Cohen- Robert C. Tucker Dissertation Research Fellowship (CTDRF) Program.
The application deadline is Jan. 8, 2018.
Reference letter deadline: January 15, 2018 (Referees will be contacted with instructions to submit the letters as soon as the application is received)
For the 2018-2019 academic year, the Cohen-Tucker Dissertation Research Fellowship (CTDRF) Program will provide up to six annual fellowships, with a maximum stipend of $22,000, to doctoral students at US universities, who are citizens or permanent residents of the US, to conduct dissertation research in Russia. The Program is open to students in any discipline whose dissertation topics are within 19th – early 21st century Russian historical studies.
• The research topic must be in 19th – early 21st century Russian historical studies; in cases of equally qualified applications, some preference may be given to research on the Soviet era
• The research topic can be in cultural, economic, intellectual, political, or social historical studies
• The geographic focus of the research must be predominantly within the current boundaries of the Russian Federation NOTE: This does not exclude research related to other former Soviet Republics or territories of the 19th c. Russian Empire, but the research topic must still be predominantly a historical study of Russia
• The research must be conducted primarily in the Russian Federation, but the fellowship may be used to conduct research for a briefer period in secondary site(s) in one other former Soviet republic or territory once forming part of the Russian empire (NOTE: The fellowship does not support research in North America)
• The duration of research travel must be at least nine (9) months. Research can be conducted in two trips if the visa situation requires it, but all proposed research travel must be concluded within 15 months from the start of the research travel.
Applicant must:
• be a doctoral student at a US university
• have a dissertation research topic that falls within the fellowship research scope (see above), but may be in any discipline
• have language proficiency to conduct research in Russia
• have successfully achieved PhD candidacy (ABD status) by the start of the proposed research travel
• be a citizen or permanent resident of the US
• be a student member of ASEEES at the time of the application submission (Become a member: )
• be able to receive and maintain a visa to the Russian Federation (and any other site of research that requires a visa). NOTE: Applicant MUST be able to obtain a visa through an affiliation with a Russian research institution (ASEEES may be able to provide some assistance in establishing institutional affiliation)
• plan to start the research travel within the same calendar year following the receipt of the fellowship (Ex: Upon notification of the fellowship in the spring of 2018, the recipient must start his/her research travel no later than December 31, 2018)
• not have a grant from another organization to conduct the same or similar research project at the same time. NOTE: Applicants may apply for competing grants, however if offered another grant as well as the CTDRF, the applicant must choose between them.