Applications are now open for the 2018 competition of the CREECA Summer Fieldwork Awards.
CREECA Summer Fieldwork Awards provide support to UW-Madison graduate students to conduct fieldwork pertaining to the study of Russia, Eastern/Central Europe, and/or Central Asia/Eurasia during summer 2018. Applications are due February 26, 2018. For more information and application instructions, click here.
In addition, the Institute for Regional and International Studies (IRIS) has announced two related competitions for summer 2018:
IRIS Graduate Student Summer Fieldwork Awards are intended to support graduate students at the UW-Madison planning to conduct a minimum of 6 weeks of summer fieldwork outside of the United States. Applications are due February 26, 2018. For more information and how to apply, click here.
In memory of Scott Kloeck-Jenson, a scholar dedicated to global peace and justice, the Institute for Regional and International Studies annually offers two awards: the SKJ Pre-Dissertation Travel Fellowships to support overseas travel to potential field research sites for doctoral students and the SKJ International Internship Fellowships to support graduate students (working towards a doctorate) interested in undertaking practitioner internships. Applications are due February 19, 2018. For more information and how to apply, click here.