PANEL DISCUSSION (8/5, 3pm): “Reflections on Teaching Intensive Language Courses Remotely: Challenges and Lessons Learned”

3:00-4:00 pm, Wednesday, August 5
Online on Blackboard Collaborate Ultra


  • Nâlân Erbil-Erkan, Arabic, Persian and Turkish Language Institute; Turkish Flagship Language Initiative; Department of German, Nordic, and Slavic (Turkish)
  • Jared Hendrickson, Summer Intensive Portuguese Institute; Department of Spanish and Portuguese (Portuguese)
  • Jampa Khedup, South Asia Summer Language Institute; Department of Asian Languages and Cultures (Tibetan)
  • Cecil Leigh Wilson, Department of German, Nordic, and Slavic (Russian)

Description: What were the most challenging aspects of teaching intensive language courses remotely this summer and how did instructors and program coordinators address those challenges? What do instructors wish they had known before they started, and what is their advice for colleagues teaching language courses remotely this fall? What suggestions do program coordinators have for offering remote language instruction in the fall, based on instructor and student feedback, and from classroom observations in the remote summer intensive programs?

Join this panel discussion to hear from four instructors and program coordinators of intensive language courses taught at UW-Madison this summer. Come with your own questions!

Moderator: Dianna Murphy, Language Institute

Sponsors: Language Institute and Wisconsin Intensive Summer Language Institutes

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